Try digesting this:
Alerts, Answers, Blogger, Desktop Search, Froogle, Google File System, Google Labs, Google News, Google Toolbar, Gmail, Groups, Gmail Chat, KeyHole,Orkut, PageRank, Picasa, Web Search, Wireless....... and the list is fast growing.
It all began a decade ago with two Stanford Graduates named Larry Page and Sergey Brin devising an algorith for prioritizing web pages based on the number of links they provide; the algorith being named PageRank and the rest is history. What started as a PhD thesis is now a global lesder in Web based services. Its called GOOGLE. With research centers at Mountain View, New York, Santa Monica and the new one at Bangalore, more things are being expected in the future.
So lets Google!
N.B.: For those of you who dont know the site, its URL is